Enhancing Hydrogen Production with Bimetallic Photocatalysts

Researchers have developed a two-dimensional bimetallic catalyst combining platinum nanoparticles with a supercrystal structure of gold nanoparticles, showing a significant increase in hydrogen production from formic acid under visible light and solar irradiance. This catalyst capitalizes on the interaction between plasmonic and catalytic properties, where electric field intensity at ‘hotspots’ correlates with heightened catalytic activity, […]

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China’s Shift in Power Pricing: A New Dawn for Energy Storage

China is adjusting its electricity rates to favor energy storage systems over solar providers amidst a surge in solar capacity. Time-of-day pricing is being implemented across numerous provinces, reducing solar revenues during their peak generation but benefiting storage systems like batteries, which can capitalize on the fluctuating prices. This move reflects China’s challenge in balancing […]

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China’s Kubuqi Desert Embraces Eco-Development with Major PV Project

China has made a significant stride in eco-friendly energy production and desert environmental management with the launch of its largest desert-based photovoltaic (PV) project in the Kubuqi Desert, Inner Mongolia. This colossal initiative, spanning 6,666 hectares, has been synchronized with the national grid, signifying a dual triumph in providing clean energy and advancing ecological restoration. […]

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