China’s Shift in Power Pricing: A New Dawn for Energy Storage

China is adjusting its electricity rates to favor energy storage systems over solar providers amidst a surge in solar capacity. Time-of-day pricing is being implemented across numerous provinces, reducing solar revenues during their peak generation but benefiting storage systems like batteries, which can capitalize on the fluctuating prices. This move reflects China’s challenge in balancing its power grid with the intermittent nature of solar energy. While the impact on solar economics is uncertain, the cost of solar panels continues to drop, potentially mitigating some effects of the new pricing strategy. However, industry leaders anticipate potential slowdowns in solar installations and warn of possible company failures due to grid constraints and overcapacity.

China is changing its power system in ways that reduce payments to solar providers while making energy storage more profitable, as it seeks to digest an unprecedented boom in new solar panels across the country.

Source: China’s Electricity Pricing Shifts in Blow to Solar Power, Boon for Batteries – Bloomberg

In China wird so viel Photovoltaik installiert, wie nirgendwo sonst. Das sorgt dafür, dass es mittags zu viel Strom gibt, abends zu wenig. Das soll sich ändern.

Source: China: Mit Strompreisunterschieden gegen Überproduktion bei Solarenergie – heise online